How many ounces is 1 pound of silver
As others have said, 12 (Troy) ounces. The easiest way to look at this, as always, is from an unambiguous viewpoint: in those few countries that still use antiquated measure, most things are weighed in avoirdupois ounces (28.35 g) and pounds (16 o A pound is a pound no matter what substance. so the answer would be 16 Answer: A Troy pound is used to weigh silver and gold, it has 12 ounces and a mass of 373 g. An Avoirdupois pound is used for One troy pound of silver 12 ounces 1910691818 silver prices today price of spot charts history silver price per pound calculator one troy pound of silver 12 ounces 1910691818 1 pound troy silver ebay silver prices today cur price of spot.